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1 מתוך 5

Web Dev Japan

תוכנית חניכים למפתחי אינטרנט

תוכנית חניכים למפתחי אינטרנט

בין אם אתה מכוון למשרה טכנולוגית במשרה מלאה ביפן או רוצה להתחיל להרוויח מיידית כמפתח עצמאי מרחוק עם מיקום, זמן ועצמאות כלכלית, אני כאן כדי להדריך אותך בכל שלב בדרך.

פרטים אחרונים (עודכן ב-16 בדצמבר 2024)

Secure your spot with the first monthly payment

מחיר רגיל ¥37,800 JPY
מחיר רגיל מחיר מבצע ¥37,800 JPY
במבצע אזל
עלות משלוח מחושבת במהלך התשלום.
לכל הפרטים

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Y Bagaria
Finally Landed a Job in Japan Thanks to Zach’s Mentorship!

I recommend Zach’s services wholeheartedly to anyone looking to break into current job market or level up their career. I can’t thank him enough for all he’s done!

I had been trying to find a job in Japan for a couple of years, trying all the well-known recruitment platforms like Wantedly and LinkedIn, and connecting with over 30 recruiters without much success. I've also tried to apply to the surface level Job listings on japan-dev & Tokyo-dev, career cross etc. I could never get past initial stages with HR or hiring personnel.

Zach’s mentorship was a game-changer. His insights into the Japanese job market and his commitment to helping me prepare were invaluable. He didn’t just offer advice; he walked me through each step, from interview strategies to industry-specific knowledge, always providing support and guidance on every round of interview. Thanks to his dedication, I have finally landed a position in Japan, and will be moving soon, something I had almost given up on.
Also given that I come from a developing country, my income has increased almost 5x.

Another great perk of working with Zach is that he provides access to freelance gigs to help cover the cost of his mentorship fee. Though I didn’t take this route myself, it’s a fantastic option for anyone looking to gain experience and income while working towards their next job.